We’ve told you previously about the FDA warning on imported chicken dog treats, stemming from reports of sickness and death in dogs over several years without a recall. The FDA just released an explanation for why they haven’t recalled the dangerous treats and what they need from you to move forward.
Normally, here’s how a recall works:
1) A product causes a problem.
2) Researchers, whether for the FDA or the manufacturer, determine the cause of the problem.
3) Either the manufacturer issues a voluntary recall or the FDA issues a regulatory recall.
The second step is where the breakdown is happening in this situation.
Since they first released an official warning in September 2007, FDA scientists and other laboratories have tested suspect treats to determine the cause of sickness and death in dogs who eat them. To date, they have yet to determine a cause. It’s a mystery. Legally, since they do not have a cause pinpointed, the FDA cannot issue a recall. They have determined the worst brands, according to an FDA report obtained by MSNBC. The three worst brands are Waggin' Train (manufactured by Nestle Purina), Canyon Creek Ranch (also Nestle Purina), and Milo's Kitchen (Del Monte). But these are not the only brands affected by whatever is causing the problem; they simply have the most complaints. Complaints alone, no matter how many, are not grounds for a government recall. That leaves the manufacturers to issue a voluntary recall, which has not happened and looks highly unlikely.
The FDA is now issuing a public request for help from consumers to solve the mystery of why these treats are making dogs sick. If your dog has had chicken treats that made them sick, stop feeding them immediately but do not throw the treats away. Keep the remainder of the treats and original packaging, and contact the FDA by calling your state’s Consumer Complaint Coordinator (click the blue link to find the contact information for your area). They may request the remainder of the treats for testing.
If the FDA is able to determine a cause, they can (finally) take the next step of issuing an official recall on affected chicken dog treats. But until the mystery is solved, dangerous dog treats will stay on store shelves.
We need to do what we can to put an end to this. It’s gone on far too long. Please let your friends know that imported chicken jerky (tenders/strips/etc.) treats are dangerous and share with them what to do if their dog has had a reaction. Click “like” at the top of this page and share the link with your friends. Thank you.
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Photo credit: Library And Archives Canada