Want to donate to animal rescue? The Animal Rescue Site makes it ridiculously simple. Go to the site, click the purple button that says "Click Here to Give - It's FREE!" And voila, you've donated food to animals in shelters.
How does it work? Here's an excerpt from the site's About Us page:
Each click on the purple "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The Animal Rescue Site provides food and care for a rescued animal living in a shelter or sanctuary. Funding for food and care is paid by site sponsors and distributed to animals in need at The Fund for Animals' renowned animal sanctuaries (including Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Texas and The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in Southern California), pet shelters supported by the Petfinder Foundation, North Shore Animal League, and other worthy animal care facilities supported by the GreaterGood.org foundation. 100% of sponsor advertising fees goes to our charitable partners.
It's incredibly simple and it has results. Another excerpt from their site:
Last year, visitor clicks funded the value of 78.7 million bowls of food for animals sheltering in sanctuaries.
That is a lot of support for shelters and rescue groups that are doing wonderful work. You can click once a day, every day to generate ad fees that will go to support animal rescues. They also have a store on the site, complete with lots of ways to show love for your big dogs, that also generate donations to the rescue groups. (Remember that each year, PawPosse.com donates a portion of proceeds to animal welfare groups too.)
Please pass this along to all dog-lovers and animal-lovers who will want to bookmark the site and click daily!
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Photo by Martin Petitt on Flickr and used with Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.