Every now and then, a news story appears that fills your heart with hope. This is one of those stories.
When Kevin McClain was being taken to a hospital by ambulance, gravely ill with lung cancer, he made sure EMTs knew he'd been living in his car with his dog, Yurtie. Volunteers rescued her and found her a new home.
A few weeks later, as McClain lay dying in hospice, all he wanted was to see his dog. Time was running out. So a community came together to make sure he and his dog got to see each ther one last time. Check out the video for the full story and amazing photos of their reunion.
It's touching to see people come together to make sure a stranger and his dog were taken care of. The love between McClain and Yurt is plainly visible in those photos, and it's amazing how many people worked to make sure they could be reunited. It's one of those stories that restores your faith in humanity.
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Photo credit: Randy Dircks and KCRG