Over the last three months, the Posse has lent their support to big dog charities in a big way! Let’s take a look at what the results were and what we plan to do for the next three months.
In May, we sponsored May for Mayday Pit Bull Rescue and Advocacy, donating 10% of sales to their wonderful cause. Thanks to our wonderful Posse, we are donating $75 to support their wonderful work! Furthermore, a press release about the support made the front page of Yahoo! News, got phone calls from across the country by people wanting to adopt, and helped bring in additional donations directly to Mayday.
We also are continuing to support Racing Home Greyhound Adoption. We did a story with them on why boots for Greyhounds are so important. The blue link to the left has the amazing full story, but here’s the basics of what they need: when RHGA takes in retired racers, they take them to prison where inmates help the dogs adjust to life with human companionship. This includes eight weeks of basic training. Right now, the outdoor area at the prison is getting hot and the dogs need boots to protect their paws. We’ve got 2 sets of boots so far – will you help us get the other 6? Just click the link to order these indoor/outdoor dog boots, select a pair (they need a variety of sizes), and enter the promo code grey boots at checkout. With that code, we’ll give you free shipping and send the boots to RHGA on your behalf for the first 6 pairs of boots ordered.
And finally, we’d like to sponsor another big dog rescue group – and want to hear from you who it should be. It needs to be either large breed-specific, like the two mentioned above, or be non-breed-specific but dedicated to large and giant breed dogs. If you know of a worthy group, please nominate it on our Facebook discussion group. We’d love to hear from you, the Posse, what groups are doing good work and deserve recognition and support.
We’re happy to support large dog charities and couldn’t do it without your support. Thank you for supporting the work of Mayday Pit Bull Rescue, Racing Home Greyhound Adoption, and others!
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