Do you travel with your dog(s)? While it’s got its pros and cons, I’ll do it every chance I get.
Pro: You don’t need a sitter, boarder, or neighbor to take care of your dog. It’s more fun when you don’t have to leave a family member behind.
Con: You have to pack a lot more. My husband, my dog Nala, and I recently went out of town for one night. We filled my trunk with luggage, and half of it was Nala’s. I never thought of her as high maintenance, but evidence suggests otherwise.
Pro: You get to share one more part of your life with your dog. Nala is my shadow, my sidekick, and traveling without her just isn’t the same.
Con: Your dog ends up having a say in your car and accessories. She needs safety equipment, enough room for her size, and of course, your car needs protection against hair. Oh, the hair. It could be worse, as the last 10 seconds of this video shows. Any of those dogs remind you of yours?
Pro: Your dog leaves you nose art on the windows. It’s like having your dog with you even when you’re driving alone.
Pro: You notice little things your dog finds fascinating that you may have passed by otherwise. Good life lesson here, I think.
Pro: Dogs are a great icebreaker and conversation starter. I’ve had strangers ask to say hi to Nala who ended up recommending great local places I never would have found on my own.
Con: Your dog can’t take over driving duties if you get sleepy on a long drive. Nala’s smart, but I have to accept that she probably can’t do everything. Sigh.
Just in case a genius trainer can make that happen, I got Nala an Arizona driver’s license. I’m not sure a traffic cop would buy it, but Subaru’s Driver’s License Division made a pretty cool one:

Click the photo to make a driver's license for your dog.
I’ll be honest, I wanted to spend hours making her new licenses with different photos. It’s not every day you get to pick what photo goes on a license, so why not make the most of it, right?
Want one for your pup? Make your dog a driver’s license here and share it on our Facebook page. (Be sure to use a fake address, since your dog’s gorgeous face will be shown to others using the app.)
Bonus Pro: Win a $350 or $150 Visa gift card.
I can think of so many things to do with that –a night or two in a hotel that will welcome my dog, dinner on a dog-friendly patio, gas to get wherever we’re going… what would you do with a $350 Visa gift card?
First things first –enter to win. You get your first entry by liking the Subaru Facebook page – go do that here. We’ll wait.
Done? Good. Next:
Use the widget below to enter. The contest ends at 11:59pm on Sunday, February 24th, so use every chance you can to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Share this with your friends. Maybe negotiate half their winnings. It’s only fair since you told them about it, right?
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FTC disclosure: This post is sponsored by Subaru as part of the Dog Tested. Dog Approved.™ campaign. At PawPosse.com, we only work with companies we know and trust.