Two women started a dog food company. Sounds a bit typical, but in such a competitive marketplace, intriguing nonetheless.
What if those two women never met and through a twist of fate, two abused dogs, and a shared passion, their roads connected and a light bulb moment emerged? Sara Henderson and Susan Hollar the women and BOGO Bowl is their path. (say it out loud, BOGO Bowl, kind of makes you smile, right?)
Sara knew she wanted to make the world a better place for animals – she even put that exact phrase on a vision board in 2008 – and she started the process in 2009 when she founded the Pet Project Midwest. Susan knew she wanted something different out of life, but wasn’t quite sure what that would be until she heard about a dog that had been shot and left to die at the river’s edge.
In late spring 2011, Sara’s love of animals brought her into contact with Susan, whom she’d never met. Sara read about a dog in Topeka that was tied to a railroad track and left to die. Fortunately, Chance did not die, despite run-ins with two separate trains. His spirit and happy disposition got him through and put him into the Facebook universe where Sara found him. Unsure about the realities of caring for a special needs dog, Sara reached out to Duke (not yet knowing his person’s name) and quickly Susan and Sara became friends as Susan helped Chance and Sara find their new footing.
In 2001, this dynamic duo thought about launching BOGO Bowl. They mused to each other, “What if there was a dog food company – a high quality dog food company – that gave away a bag of food for every bag that was purchased? And gave it locally?”
And therein lies the rest of the story: They did it. For every bag of high quality premium BOGO Bowl customers purchase, the exact same bag, pound for pound, is donated to a local shelter or rescue 501(c)3 in your area. Shipping is included on all orders and Dog Food Advisor awarded BOGO Bowl a 4-star “highly recommended” rating recently. No artificial flavors or by-products and all natural ingredients.
If you aren’t convinced yet and think fairy tales can’t come true, dogs across America are being helped by being fed BOGO Bowl dog food, and their chances of getting adopted are increased. BOGO Bowl was featured on The Today Show recently, and here’s their clip:
BOGO Bowl will never be sold in retail; you can purchase the food from the company or from a BOGO Bowl buddy in your area.
Some companies really do care about dogs and making the world a better place. For paying it forward, Sara and Susan, you are an inspiration. Learn more at www.bogobowl.com.
About author Carol Bryant: “A dog lover of the highest order,” is how Gayle King introduced Carol Bryant when she and her Cocker Spaniel appeared on Oprah Radio’s Gayle King show to dish dogs. A frequent media contributor, Carol has appeared on television, radio, and in print.
As guest speaker at conferences and seminars about dog products and travel, she also has a passion for growing social media and helped one client land the “best dog blog” honor. A repeat nominee from the Dog Writers Association of America and writer for Dogster, she also works with BlogPaws pet blogger social media community and conferences and is founder of her own canine-centric magazine-style dog blog, Fidose of Reality.