Blog Archive:
January, 2013
Does Your Dog Think He's Pack Leader?
If you want a well-behaved dog, it's crucial that your dog knows who the pack leader is - you. 3 ways to tell if your dog thinks he's pack leader.
Can Dogs Eat Cheese?
It's a common treat, but it may not be the best one for your dog. Can dogs eat cheese? How to tell if it's OK for your dog.
Show Off Your Dog's Waistline: Nala
Like other dogs and owners, we've struggled with Nala's weight. Finally, we have success to share.
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Dog Food Recalls
Your dog's food may be a threat to everyone in your house - especially your kids. Here are 5 ways to prevent dog food-borne illness.
Tainted Dog Treats Recalled Nationwide
Two major brands are recalling all their dog treats. Get the details here on what treats and how to get your money back.
Pet Blogger Challenge 2013
Joining the Pet Blogger Challenge of 2013 - here's a look back at the Large Dog Blog in 2012 and where it's going in 2013.
Are Pit Bulls Dangerous? Shattering 5 Pit Bull Myths
Those unfamiliar with the breed have many questions: Are pit bulls dangerous? Should they be banned? Here's what the evidence says.
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