We're (finally) celebrating the launch of our place just for big dogs! So far, it's been too hot in the Phoenix area to really get out and celebrate. But now the weather's gorgeous, so come on out and join us for Dogs & Drinks. We'd love to meet you and your dogs!
Dogs & Drinks is a casual outdoor event for dogs and dog lovers. We'll be spending the late afternoon and early evening outside on a patio with light snacks provided and a cash bar available. Rico's Backyard, where the event is being held, is at the scenic Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort. So: dogs, drinks, beautiful view, great people to meet, and a high temp of 74 degrees. What's not to love?
So please, join us as we celebrate PawPosse.com's first year and a love of big dogs!

Please RSVP on the PawPosse.com event page so we know to look for you. Hope to see you there!
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