Does your dog lick or bite itself in the same spot over and over? Has an itchy spot turned into an open sore or red spot? If so then you’re dealing with a hot spot, and you need the all natural dog hot spots treament.
Some breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and pit bulls are more likely to get hot spots but any breed or mix can get them. Treat dog hot spots immediately with this all-natural cream to keep them from spreading. The natural cream calms hot spots and reduces the pain and swelling that they cause. It contains no steroids or fragrances, which can make tender skin more painful.
This cream also soothes other skin irritations and bug bites. The dog hot spots treatment comes in a 4 oz tub, is non-toxic & non-greasy. Get yours today & relieve your dog's itchy skin problems. Better yet, order 2, get a discount and still pay only $4.99 for shipping.
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