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Big Dogs Are Better: 10 Reasons Why

big dogs are believes in big dogs.  That's why we are advocates for the big dog lifestyle.  Big dogs are great.  There are lots of reasons why, too many to list here, so here are our favorite 10.

1)  You can rough-house with big dogs.  You can get away with a  lot more rough play with them – and they’ll actually enjoy it.  


2)  Tug-of-war becomes a real workout.  If you are little, like me, you have to plant your feet, brace your back and PULL.  Great for your arms and shoulders, isn’t it?


3)  They’re much more snuggly than any other alarm system.  No alarm system will sound the alert at every delivery truck and stranger at the door but still cuddle next to you when you’re sick.


4)  You look tougher with a big dog.  I’m a small woman, so this is a big deal to me.  I don’t mind walking in the park after dark, holding a dog leash attached to my big dog and her underbite.  Show those teeth, pup.


5)  Strangers take a big dog’s barking seriously.  No yapping here!  My dog gives people pause with her bark, but is still a great lover dog when she needs to be.


6)  You don’t have to worry about tripping over them.  You sometimes have to worry about them knocking your knees out from under you, but that’s different.  Ever almost fallen down a staircase because you were trying not to step on a small dog underfoot?  Ugh.


7)  They're great with small kids.  Some of the sweetest dog-and-kid pictures are the ones where the kid is sitting on their big dog.  Big dogs seem to handle the rough play of children better and are better sized to receive a toddler’s big hug.


8)  Small puppies with giant feet are adorable.  It’s even cuter when they trip over their own feet and just keep on going.  


9)  As a group, they just seem smarter.  Take a look at those lists of the smartest breeds – they include Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, standard Poodles, Doberman Pinschers.  There are goofy big dogs too, sure, but there’s a reason so many service dogs are big.  They get it.


10)  Big dog, bigger heart.  How much better is a bad day when you get a big sloppy kiss from a huge dog?  MUCH better.


Have a Big Dog?  Check out our catalog of cool big dog stuff.  Use the code "LoveMyDog" for free shipping off your first purchase. Offer good through 10/15/13.


Bookmark us and come again.


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