Arthritis can be a scary diagnosis, but luckily it’s something you can fight. In the attack on arthritis in dogs home remedies should be part of your plan. Whether you’re looking for drug-free solutions, things you can do at home, or are working with a budget, home remedies should not be overlooked.
The following tried-and-true at-home tips serve different purposes – some relieve pain, others relieve inflammation, some rebuild tissue – but used together, work well to relieve your dog’s arthritis symptoms.

Lose weight
Extra weight is tough on joints. Shed the pounds to relieve joint stress. Not sure if your dog is overweight? Try this: Standing next to your dog, place your thumbs on his spine and your fingers on his sides. If you can’t easily feel ribs, your dog is overweight. Talk to your vet about what your dog’s target weight should be.
Reduce or eliminate grains
Grains may increase inflammation, which makes arthritis worse. Check your dog’s food for ingredients such as wheat, corn, and rice. Dog foods often use these ingredients as cheap filler. Eliminating these ingredients may also help with weight reduction.
Exercise more
Gentle exercise will strengthen muscles. Stronger muscles support joints better. Walks and swimming are good exercise for dogs with arthritis. Talk to your vet about how much exercise your dog should be getting, as too much will hurt the joints. Exercise will also help shed pounds and maintain ideal body weight.
Embrace supplements
Fish oil supplements contain high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Why does this matter? These fatty acids reduce inflammation, easing the swelling around joints. Some dog foods include omega 3’s and 6’s in their ingredients, but don’t rely on them. Fatty acids are sensitive to heat, so if the food has been stored in warm temperatures for any amount of time, they’re virtually useless as far as omega fatty acids go. Ask your vet how much fish oil your dog is right for your dog.
Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are the big deal in supplements for arthritis: they actually help rebuild cartilage. The breakdown of cartilage is a huge part of what arthritis is, so this is the strongest fight you can launch. Some owners start this once arthritis sets in, but owners of dogs prone to arthritis (such as large breeds) have seen success starting their dogs on it as a preventative. Again, talk to your vet about how much your dog needs.
Get comfortable
Ever slept on the floor or a hard mattress and woken up stiff and sore? Now imagine suffering from arthritis and sleeping on a hard surface. Ouch. A thick, comfortable bed like one of these orthopedic dog beds for large dogs will help your dog get true rest and reduce potential stiffness and achiness.
Apply heat
Moist heat does wonders for relieving pain. Fill heat packs with warm water and apply to painful joints. This is useful at the end of an active day, on cold winter evenings, and any other time you see your dog suffering from a flare-up.
Raise dishes
Eating off the floor adds strain to dogs’ necks and backs, especially if they’re already dealing with arthritis. To relieve strain, make the switch to raised dishes. Check out’s adjustable height raised dog bowls, which you can adjust for perfect height.
Massage away pain
Massage helps stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, and ease pain. See if there are classes in your area for therapeutic canine massage. Not only is it a simple, natural way to relieve your dog’s pain, but it’s also a wonderful time for bonding.
In the conversation about treatment arthritis in dogs home remedies should not be forgotten.Talk with your vet about your dog's specific needs and all treatment options that can help your dog live a healthier, happier life.
Does your dog have symptoms of something other than arthritis? Use the Pet Symptom Checker to get more details on what's ailing your dog.

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